Monday, September 27, 2010

Break Free!

On Friday’s “Oprah,” Oprah did a show which was the reaction to the  very new movie Waiting for Superman, Cory Bookerabout the failure of the American educational system. In one of the first segments of the episode, Oprah invited the mayor of Newark, NJ to come and speak about a project in which he will collaborate with governor Chris Christie.

In answer to one of Oprah’s questions, Mayor Cory Booker (the very attractive man pictured here, by the way…) described the current consensus among many Americans as “sedentary agitation.” The simple concept being that while many Americans claim to be displeased with the status quo surrounding various situations and controversies in our country, too many of us are waiting for someone else to step in and do something.

Personally, I thought him very poignant for that phrase. I thought that such “sedentary agitation” could be blamed for our current situation with a lot of things that we think are unfair…because we sit around and talk in our huddles in our living rooms and church basements (which is great), but we don’t head out to the streets and march, or picket, or vote, or even donate a dollar or ten to someone who is trying to make things better for us and our children (whom by the way, most of us still cannot adopt)!

Many of us are very anxious to see the day when we will be able to go to the tuxedo store…or bridal shop (I’m not judging) to marry the man of our dreams…or at least one of them! Some of us may also have the desire to have kids of our own, or adopt, or both. I’m sure there are even others whom may not desire either marriage or children, and yet more people whom may not feel it necessary to acquire a husband or children in that order!

My point is that Mayor Booker largely motivated me to (or at least attempt to) be more active in changing the world I live in for the folks that are already here, but more importantly, for the folks whom haven’t yet arrived. I’d like KNQ (and another top secret project I’m working on) to be one of the emerging beacons of light for us. I hope to instill pride, practicality, and perseverance in we whom are creating a “developing” demographic.

Gandhi urged us to “be the change [we] want to see in the world.” In the same spirit, I encourage my readers not to succumb to “sedentary agitation.” If you believe in your heart that there must be more upright, professional, engaging, intelligent, and handsome men other than you, support Kings ‘N’ Queens! Ask what you can do for the company, and I promise you, the company will do more for you!!

The unfortunate truth is that Kings ‘N’ Queens is a tiny particle of fresh air in a sea of smog. I truly believe that the people I aim to assist exist out there somewhere. I think that they are excited about what I’m doing and the efforts I’m making. However, I wish I could be sure of those things, instead of just hypothesizing. Maybe some of you could assist me with that perception. I know you want to eventually attend a KNQ mixer. So, follow Mariah Carey’s advice from ‘92 and help me to Make It Happen!

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